
Age 32, Male

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got some news guys.....erm....or whoever reads this

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - December 16th, 2008

well me and all the other mods basically quit point seclusion,
dont get me wrong, it was a good crew
that could have acheived great things if not for Dp who basically went
against everything that
crew stood for, not to mention those KK fags who
think they are so high and mighty when in
reality they are just a bunch of fat acne infested spam-tards, who....are apparently into gay
nazi porn.....erm....dont know what that is about. anyway
(im gonna rant about the KK for a bit)
the real thing that pisses me off is that, THEY go and request a treaty with US,
then they just turn around and break it, I seriously trusted chewy and
Chemical Vengance, but now I see that I was wrong to ever trust a
bunch of Sub-human idiots like those guys, I personally hate people like them, all they
do is sit and circle jerk about how fucking awesome they are (or think they are)
and then after their done, and their shoes are drenched in cum, they go off to blam GOOD newgrounds submissions,
seriously. this has to be the 10th day in a row that one of those pricks has down
voted my Captain Awesome flash, now im not saying its the best fucking thing ever, but I did
put a good deal of effort into it and those dicks just sit there and vote 0 on it every day.

anyway im sorry if I came off a little harsh,
but if you have seen the remains of point seclusion
lately you would whole heartedly agree with me,
anyway, there were a lot of good animaters
at point seclusion, but the KK and most other people
just desided to look at Dplato and his shitty
crazy law series.........if your reading this Dp, I quit,
I no longer want to be a part of point seclusion
or a part of your obsessive quest to get more Ng awards.
also lol, I dont wanna come off like the leave brittany alone guy so im gonna stop bitching now

so me and the other mods came up with a new site, called flash armory, we are still pretty far into the developement phase but when it finishes we will prolly have most of these things

-a validation board and an email confermation thing, in order to keep the spam tards out

-a flash page featureing the top Flash Armory submittions

-an award system of some sort

- a rank system with pictures to go with it

-a few mod slots open, we have 8 mod spots (possibly more) and 4 admin spots (full, im an admin)

-a forum......of course lol

-a web comic

-an art section

and maybe some more shit, we still need to get the site completely ironed out and get the
validation board running before i can provide you a link, some of that shit will be comeing soon
some of it will be comeing later, we have tons of awesome artists....and by tons I mean Cam, me, and sky, which is more then enough for now, so anyway post what you think and all that shit

see how as soon as the KK hears someone sai
d something bad about them they flock
to the scene to flame whoever participated in it,
they are just a bunch of back stabbing idiots
with delusions of being right. seriously let it go you wankers,
I said what I did and you said
what you said, get a new obsession,
PS is gone, you happy hmmmmm, does it make your dicks
any bigger hmmmm? well?
I dont believe you actually MADE a hidden forum with the purpose
of destroying point seclusion, holy crap that is just sad,
oh and by the way, you know the reason
I make the animations I do? hmmm, its because im just messing around,
If I really wanted to I could make a flash that would be more epic
then anything any KK member could ever dream of
anyway im done with this rant, go ahead post whatever you want,
I will just delete it and ban you anyway,
and it will just go to show how dumb you guys really are
-end rant-
(I bet you guys $20 a retard from the KK will post some insulting remark)


*insult insult insult*

*hands over $20*

yar then....

What is your first language?



Because you're kind of crappy at it. And the whole "war" against PS wasn't a concentrated effort whatsoever, yet you and some other doofuses still gave up on PS (as terrible as it is.) just because Green and some other KK people went and spammed my DOG DICKINGS all over the forum. I can understand leaving because you didn't like the changes that were made to it, but gatdam you guys give up easily. Would you and the other mods have left PS without us showing up?

Oh, and remember that comment on how you were smarter than I thought? I meant that by you not being completely retarded when the situation at hand is shoved right into your face. You're still plenty dumb and you've proved it quite a few times since that bout on the BBS.

Good luck with the "cool" Flash Armoury. You and your deserter mod friends will need it if you guys want to shake the inherit idiocy that you've obtained from PS.

wow chewy, your a complete ass, I happen to be very good at english
better then you infact, you guys completely fail at seeing how retarded
you are, I bet I am atleast 20I.Q. points above you, judgeing by how well
you read, I wrote, we are leaveing because Dp is totally contridicting
us on everything we stand for, and if It wasn't written up there it was implied
idiot, by the way, by the time your "dog dickings" thing got there, we were
already out of there, in all the time that I have been on newgrounds
(4+ years)
I have either
A) heard how retarded you guys are
B) heard how you guys are retard infested spammers
C) heard how gay and retarded the KK is
D) *insert comment about the KK being retarded, im sure you can think of one*

you just need to face it, PS was terrible, and you guys had no idea how to survive a crwe attack, which EVERY crew goes through....do you seriously think ppl will leave your new crew alone? Of course not. No crew is exempt from being tested by rival crews, you guys just proved to us that you cant pass the test is all......

so thats how you justify it huh I dont wanna hear anymore from you
you back stabbing son of a bitch

also, lol @ myself for a typo right after a rant about grammar......lmao

OK stop with the grammar reviews and start thinking are you going to stop torment PS and in the future FA


not really, I dont know why you guys think you won, we quit because
of our own reasons, not because of you, if anything the KK fueled PS
to become stronger, nope, it was because of bad leadership

alright, time to clarify things. PS died cos we saw it going nowhere and non of us had the power to improve on it. FA, yes is a crew, but not for newgrounds. FA will be a place to come to for help and for experienced programmers/ flashers/artists to share their knoledge to those that are keen and willing to learn. Not a crew to help gain some score or award on NG

I have nothing to add really... Just posting for shits and giggles.

woo shits and giggles

You know I could teach some better flash techniques if you guys would let me join PS.

Honistly guys, the grammer things getting annoying.

Honistly, FF, KK, clock crew, etc can spam all they want with there submissions, because no-one is forced to watch them. As long as theres a warning about gay stuff then i think its fine. But things like spam on forums suck, you achieve nothing and gain nothing but a ban and the worst part is that people have to see them. Spam can stop people seeing something that can really help them.

All i'm saying is, spam places that gets ignored. XD Yeah, bad conclusion to a bad beggining

KK's obsession with grammer=gay

Location: Amerika

that was from arszt's account. Hypocrite XD Meh, I don't really care.

hey XC sorry i haven't joined the FA but after you sent me that PM i was all like: SCREW IT!!! but i tried to join a little while ago and it didn't send me an activation email so here is the info:

i entered my user name as Ryanimate, and the email i entered was shilo301@yahoo.com (i think) so ya plz help

ok I think raider fixed the Registration, we were have problems with
it because we wanted to make security a bit tighter, try again and
if you are still having trouble I will talk to raider about it ok?

The best thing you could is ban all of the spammers(or people you think or assume) and pm a list of all the spammers(or people you think or assume) to people who agree you and your cause. Simple. You cut off their communication with their supposed "victim" they can't do shit. Instead of having these pointless verbal arguments like a bunch of dickless dumb shits , you can handle this the mature way and do what I just told you. You see, simple.

P.S. don't listen to the Idiotic taunts and insults left by spammers(such as Clock-Ninja) that will just give them more fuel and *cough* fuel your annoyance.


If a forum is spammed by the kk, ff, PC, CC, (etc) pay no attention to it(AT ALL). If you do pay attention to it they only gives them more drive to spam... well... more. Thank you that is all.

No, offense, but please use good grammar on this site or you'll just make a complete ass of your self and to all other users who have read my comments I have no conflict with you.

whoop de do, its not like im in english class, anyway thank you
for your valuable input my good sir, *puts on monocle* I will go
back to sipping my tea now thank you very much

i just wanted to post to see what has happened
any way fa is going good now we have not had an single spammer at all due to our costume sucertey fetcher.

also we have made may great works behind the seans on fa that we have not submitted to ng... yet

but still fa is better then ps ever was and i honesley woud laff at any spamer that even managed to get in because al ther hardwork would just go down the drane when i fully remove every trace of them with just an click of an button
and they would not be able to get in the same way agane

thats tellin em sky lol