
Age 32, Male

mining for fish

where you least expect me

Joined on 7/10/08

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XCaptainAwesomeX's News

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - August 10th, 2008

yeah so I do most of my animating around, 12am-3am, because thats when I feel the most creative....that and when im in class and soppose to be paying attention to my stupid teachers, so anyway im working on the adventures of claude ep3 and am almost halfway through it, its not as actiony as ep2 but is funnyeir, and it also includes a re-done verson of sean, blair, fancy jeff, and claude, you know....basically all the main characters, anyway, im going to reward you guys with a screenshot....thingy of the animation, this was my favorite scene out of all the ones I have so far here ya go

hur, yeah check out this new screenshot...thingy

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - August 7th, 2008

hur, yeah, just felt let pointing that out lol oh, and this is for you people who think I cant draw,....ummm well, I have been accused of that, and for all of your informations, I am only 16, and im a very proficaint artist although I rarely use color, this is a picture of my unreal tournament guy, who I named X-4 because 4 is my favorite number and X is my favorite letter

X-4 is the robot, and here are a few others, from my photobucket account...man I really need a wacom tablet lol
[IMG]http://i40.photobucket.com/albums /e250/rook_250/scan0001-1.jpg[/IMG]
thats roan, runa, and fancy jeff.....above (click the link) and X-4 below

yes, green is my favorite color

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - August 3rd, 2008

im not 100% sure what it will be about, but it will be a continueation on the Claudes adventure series
I think maybe I will have him get captured and do a daring escape/ rescue, you see im going to add the goth chick into this one, and since she has been in more then one movie I should prolly come up with a name for here....hmmmmm...... lets see here, usaully im better at this....hmmmmmmm.......a good girls name........hmmmmmmm........uhhhhhhhhh .....maybe Rose......that seems alright, if anyone has any better suggestions for the goth chick actaul name post it here I guess, in the mean time check out this awesome picture I whipped up

so yar, im gonna start on my next animation next week

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - August 1st, 2008

well anyway im at about 1400 frames out of 2300 frames and I felt like I needed to post an update about that, now I know I only have like one person who has favorited me, and no it wasnt one of my other accounts, but I just felt like updating...well there are a few bugs in the beginning but as I went alot I got better and better at the animation portion of flash until right now I have a pretty good handle on the whole flash thing so yeah im gonna show you guys a screenshot of the movie after im done typing all this stuff, I still dont have the veiw thing down completely but I gather this entry will be 1000 times better then the origional CLAUDES ADVENTURE and yes I did rename the series anyway I will for sure have it done by this time next week if not sooner, im submitting it as a part of one of my friends birthday presents, btw the screenshot, any of you who tracked down my gaiaonline account will notice the little cameo I did in the background, speaking of backgrounds I have improved my backgrounds making skill by atleast 10 fold, my new flash will feature moveing backgrounds, you know like water and buildings and its got alot more combat than the origonal, but im not sure if I will keep this trend up, I mean I wouldnt want to end up copying krinkles or somthing, im just not that kinda guy lol so anyway without anymore delay heres the new screenshot

im done

so yeah im halfway done

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - July 28th, 2008

the last one did ok for a first flash.....(shhhhh, fancy jeff v.s. darkjeff never happened, get over it)
anyway im already to work on a new one and my new buddy gamerblade, is helpin me out with some tips, he's already pretty good at the animation portion of making flashes, you know the movie smoothly thing, well I, on the opposite end of the scale, am already pretty good with character design, and makin them look good and stuff well anyway my next flash is pretty violent, anyway the basic plot so far is Claude is being hunted for destroying a city, hes being hunted by ninjas and stuff (of course) and all he has to fight them off with is his baseball bat, and various other weapons, so yeah its gonna be pretty kick ass, I should be able to finish it pretty soon, and it wont take me forever to finish like the last one did, that beast took me like three weeks to finish, of course the flash im workin on will be alot harder because im doing mostly frame by frame animation, and im cutting down on the amount of text and speech bubbles

so yeah, workin on a new flash

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - July 26th, 2008

man I had to pull an allnighter but I finally finish that movie, phew, now I know this one will to well, because the bitch took me forever, well then, peace out guys, im getting some sleep by the way heres all the characters I used with there names added below them


Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - July 23rd, 2008

yeah the old style I was using was killing me, seriously, it was way to hard, so about halfway through i changed it, I hope thats not to dumb of a decision, but none the less I will get this thing done

new character models

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - July 15th, 2008

im done with the first part of my newest flash movie, and the song im using is hungry like the wolf by reel big fish, and I have no idea what to call the flash, maybe claude's hungry like a wolf, or somthing.......
I dunno but its turning out pretty good and hungry like the wolf is a pretty good song im at like 450frames out of 2800frames or somthing close to that, anyway when I finally finish it its gonna be badass!!!......maybe I should like make a storyboard or somthing for it......

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - July 12th, 2008

damn, my flash got blammed, well then onto plan B youtube, thats where I guess I will put all my fancy jeff stuff from now on, meh well then early today I got a great Idea for a character, im using his thumbnail for a......user picture.....poster thingy, whatever anyway I named him claude, now all I have to do is come up with an awesome series name........ any suggestions?

well then.....

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - July 11th, 2008

and i dont know how to switch scenes, because 1000 frames is only like 2 minutes.....at most anyway I dont know why I even bother making these posts.....there is only like 2 people who would actully read thing, well, if my first fancy jeff movie is a sucess then that might change but whatever....I should prolly buy a microphone for my computer to add in voices, but the speech bubble thing is doing allright so far and hopfully I dont misspell too many things in the production because th\at kinda makes you look like a noob or somthing, whelp, peace guys im gonna go ask people on the forum how to change scenes in a flash

finished scene1 and in my opinion it was AWESOME lolz well, thats up to ng to decide but if they dont like it I could always whore it off to youtube where it will be loved uncondtionally, whelp anyway its got tons of refrances and yes I do not know how to spell that word either, but anyway by tons I mean like 3......yeah thats the first scene anyway
:UPDATE: (again)
well I worked my ass off but I finally finished the first episode of fancy jeff and man it took like 5 hours......well like I said before if it gets blamed then i guess I will just upload it to youtube where it will be loved unconditionally and stuff whelp, see you in space cowboy (cowboy bebop joke)

:EDIT: first episode done