
Age 32, Male

mining for fish

where you least expect me

Joined on 7/10/08

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XCaptainAwesomeX's News

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - December 16th, 2008

well me and all the other mods basically quit point seclusion,
dont get me wrong, it was a good crew
that could have acheived great things if not for Dp who basically went
against everything that
crew stood for, not to mention those KK fags who
think they are so high and mighty when in
reality they are just a bunch of fat acne infested spam-tards, who....are apparently into gay
nazi porn.....erm....dont know what that is about. anyway
(im gonna rant about the KK for a bit)
the real thing that pisses me off is that, THEY go and request a treaty with US,
then they just turn around and break it, I seriously trusted chewy and
Chemical Vengance, but now I see that I was wrong to ever trust a
bunch of Sub-human idiots like those guys, I personally hate people like them, all they
do is sit and circle jerk about how fucking awesome they are (or think they are)
and then after their done, and their shoes are drenched in cum, they go off to blam GOOD newgrounds submissions,
seriously. this has to be the 10th day in a row that one of those pricks has down
voted my Captain Awesome flash, now im not saying its the best fucking thing ever, but I did
put a good deal of effort into it and those dicks just sit there and vote 0 on it every day.

anyway im sorry if I came off a little harsh,
but if you have seen the remains of point seclusion
lately you would whole heartedly agree with me,
anyway, there were a lot of good animaters
at point seclusion, but the KK and most other people
just desided to look at Dplato and his shitty
crazy law series.........if your reading this Dp, I quit,
I no longer want to be a part of point seclusion
or a part of your obsessive quest to get more Ng awards.
also lol, I dont wanna come off like the leave brittany alone guy so im gonna stop bitching now

so me and the other mods came up with a new site, called flash armory, we are still pretty far into the developement phase but when it finishes we will prolly have most of these things

-a validation board and an email confermation thing, in order to keep the spam tards out

-a flash page featureing the top Flash Armory submittions

-an award system of some sort

- a rank system with pictures to go with it

-a few mod slots open, we have 8 mod spots (possibly more) and 4 admin spots (full, im an admin)

-a forum......of course lol

-a web comic

-an art section

and maybe some more shit, we still need to get the site completely ironed out and get the
validation board running before i can provide you a link, some of that shit will be comeing soon
some of it will be comeing later, we have tons of awesome artists....and by tons I mean Cam, me, and sky, which is more then enough for now, so anyway post what you think and all that shit

see how as soon as the KK hears someone sai
d something bad about them they flock
to the scene to flame whoever participated in it,
they are just a bunch of back stabbing idiots
with delusions of being right. seriously let it go you wankers,
I said what I did and you said
what you said, get a new obsession,
PS is gone, you happy hmmmmm, does it make your dicks
any bigger hmmmm? well?
I dont believe you actually MADE a hidden forum with the purpose
of destroying point seclusion, holy crap that is just sad,
oh and by the way, you know the reason
I make the animations I do? hmmm, its because im just messing around,
If I really wanted to I could make a flash that would be more epic
then anything any KK member could ever dream of
anyway im done with this rant, go ahead post whatever you want,
I will just delete it and ban you anyway,
and it will just go to show how dumb you guys really are
-end rant-
(I bet you guys $20 a retard from the KK will post some insulting remark)

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - October 26th, 2008

I made this awesome shot for you guys to look at,
it is the opening thingy for the new animation and I think it looks pretty good
btw I didn't make the background I outlined it, anyway I was searching
for street background on google and this came up, i knew i had to use it
lol, its a masterpeice anyway I think it looks pretty bad ass

okay guys check this out

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - October 24th, 2008

yeah because I dont think Captain awesome gets enough attention
and I haven't submitted anything in a LONG time, so look forward to it guys
its gonna be funny yet simply drawn it basically is gonna show dow badass captain awesome
is and for those of you who have no idea what I mean check this out
[IMG]http://i40.photobucket.com/albums /e250/rook_250/scan0002-5.jpg[/IMG]
I hope it shows up lol, anyway onto other shit, since I have my mic I will be able to add
vioces, bad news is its a wall mart mic so im gonna have to edit the FUCK out of it
so anyway I leave you with am image of captain Awesome, as he will be
appearing in my series

okay so i dropped the old project in favor of good ol Capt awesome

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - September 19th, 2008

right now im working on a collab with i3ungee, its about old videogame characters,
I have already finished some of it and we need a few more PS members to join up
anyway, i know that my part is gonna be awesome, and i3ungees part will kick ass too
so yeah, if your intrested join point seclusion here and sign up and join the collab

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - August 31st, 2008

but the last part is gonna be a major bitch to finish, but it should get some laughs out of some people
and after that im off to work on my madness day submittion then after that im gonna wrap up my EB saga animation which is comming out nicely and should get a pretty good score, then im gonna take a break and make a simple animation im prolly gonna call it nintendo VS. playstation, yeah that sounds pretty awesome so yeah and junk

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - August 17th, 2008

LMAO check out what I made

I loved this picture so much I had to make a post about it lol

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - August 15th, 2008

its next week guys, pretty sweet huh, me and my guild are makin an awesome anti clock day flash
and by my guild, I mean my crew, and by my crew I mean like me, monkey, and DPlato
and this time we will actully put effort into it

anti Clock day

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - August 15th, 2008

right now that is lol, tomarrow im going out and buying a mic to add awesome sounds to it with, so the sprite thing didn't work, meh so what, there arnt very good ness sprites out there anyway, and ness is the best so what am I to do, tough it out and make a badass series that will get me recignized, and btw heres my top 10 favorite video game characters

Ness- earthbound (yeah he can beat any other video game character I dare you to challange me)
Colt white- gun (most badass gunslinger EVER!)
The sniper- team fortress (most badass sniper EVER!)
Claude speed- GTA 3 (best GTA character)
Banjo and kazooie- banjo and kazooie (my childhood icon...besides bevis and butthead)
Paula- earthbound (she is way better then lucas)
Ethan tomas- condemmed (that game is HELLA voilent)
Toon link- windwaker (way better then normal link)
Tidus- ff10 (best final fantasy character)
Nikko belic- GTA4 (lol russians)

and my top 10 favorite anime characters

Ranma- ranma1/2 (best anime character EVER!)
Haruko- FLCL (man che is so badass)
Ryoko- tenchi muyo (she was my childhood dream girl....creepy I know)
Gene Starwind- outlaw star (I love this show so much)
Aisha clan clan- outlaw star (woot catgirls own)
Lum- invader lum (this PWNs inuyasha anyday)
Ryogo- ranma 1/2 (best antagonist turn protagonist ever)
Mugen- samuri champloo (SAMURAI AWESOME)
Tenchi muyo- tenchi muyo (kinda fruity but still cool)
Ataru- invader lum (lol hes such a perv)

anyway heres a picture of my favorite female character that I have made

yup gotten as far as I can on the EB SAGA series as I can

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - August 14th, 2008

but instead do a series based on good old ness from earthbound, he's my favorite video game character because he is bad ass, and if you havn't heard of earthbound PLAY IT NOW!!!!, go download an emulator and play it because its the best FUCKIN GAME EVER!!!!, seriously no game is better then earthbound, if you wanna play it and download the emulator and stuff check dat shit here
http://www.fantasyanime.com/legacy/ear thb_down.htm

seriously guys, best game ever, I mean not only was the gameplay revolutionary, but the audio was fuckin brillent, ok for all of you who say earthbound is gay...your probably 1 of 2 things, ignorant, and have never played earthbound, because anyone who has LOVES IT!!, or 2, fuckin gay, anyway movin on im gonna try to snag a mic somwhere to add voices
btw I released the final ep of claudes adventure....dont get your hopes up, its not all that great
wtf....why did episode 3 get such good reveiws and scores compaired to my other episodes......it was super short and not all that funny and I put like zero effort into it.....man newgrounds is weird

okay, I might not continue adventures of claude

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - August 13th, 2008

man, I've been workin on the whole animation sthing for a while and damn.....it is kinda annoying, im wondering if I just shouldn't scrap the new claudes adventure movie thing and work on new animation style.....man I would totally do spites.....its kinda cool, and it would be easier too....but fuck dammit I just cant get the damned sprite sheet to friggen seperate...and im fuckin great at character design but animating limbs is pretty damn hard