
Age 32, Male

mining for fish

where you least expect me

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XCaptainAwesomeX's News

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - June 21st, 2009

Ha Ha, Delicious lolis


Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - May 26th, 2009

http://flasharmory.comli.com/forums/in dex.php

so this has basically what I have been working on for the
last couple months. or rather a collage of things ranging from
liturature to animations, to drawings to making games. and
I got a sample of pretty much everything I have done.
from new characters to new Ideas, from Officer bert
to fey fey Grim and also Im posting the first chapter of the
Captain Awesome story. oh and also im farther on my animation
about Al the hobo, captain awesomes faithful butler

(you can skip it if you want)
Well, lets see here, I'm going to start from the beginning, back in Alaska.
As we all may or may not know, Captain Awesome (Duncan White) was
born in Alaska. his father was almost always drunk throughout his childhood
and his mom worked in a convenience store. which was the family's main source
of income in later years. Things were alright for young Duncan when he was 5, but then his
dad was injured in a hunting accident and couldn't work anymore: he was shot
in the lower back, rendering his legs numb and forcing him to walk with a limp.
Some days his back was numb, other days it was burning with pain. He began
to drink more to block the pain out, but he was an angry drunk and frequently
endangered the lives of his family when under the influence. Then the beatings
began. Anytime Duncans mother would do something nice for him, his dad would
ruin it. Duncan did very poorly in school which gave his father another
excuse to hurt him, even though in truth he couldn't care less. Duncan
was a bright boy, but school just didn't hold his interest. Had this been the
90s he would have been diagnosed with ADD, but it was not, so everyone
just thought he was slow. In his teen years, he was frequently picked on for his
grades and his dad, and the bigger kids would beat him up. However, anytime a smaller
kid would start in on him, Duncan would knock the kid's teeth out.
Eventually he got strong enough so that no one would say anything to his face,

Duncan, Age 17. At this age Duncan was a taller, more muscular boy, toughened
even more by the environment of his home, and the location of his house. He lived
3 miles out of the main town, in the country. It would sometimes drop to 40 below zero
in the winter, and their house was poorly heated. Sometimes he would be thrown out
of the house with nothing but the clothes on his back, and his father would force
him to spend the night outside. One night Duncan was eating at the table. he heard
footsteps coming down the stairs. He could tell it was his dad because of the sound
he made when he walked with that limp of his. His dad looked over to him and said
"Stand up, you little delicious loli, I wanna show you your place again." Duncan stayed in his seat.
He could tell his father had been drinking the entire time he was upstairs. His father
looked at him with anger. "You hear me, pussy?!" He then swung his large fist at Duncan's
head, knocking him out of his seat. He grabbed Duncan by his long black hair, shoved
his head into the cabinet under the sink and started slamming the door on his head.
After a few hits to the head, dazed, Duncan reached for a lead pipe in the space under
the sink. He gripped it hard and swung it at his dad's leg. A sickening crack could be heard,
followed by a loud snap. His father doubled over in pain as Duncan slowly rose to his
feet. He kicked his father square in the jaw, knocking loose a good many of his dad's
teeth. He lifted his father up by the collar, looked him in the eye and said,
"You deserve everything im gonna do to you." Then he slammed his dad's head
into the kitchen table and repeatedly beat him over the head with the pipe until the
thumps turned into squishes. When he finished, his fathers face was unrecognizable,
and parts of his brain were leaking out of the deep cuts and cracks in his skull.
His father uttered one final word: "bast..aarrd.........." and then slid from the counter to the
floor. Duncan looked up from his work and realized that his mother had been watching the
entire time. Tears were running down her face. She wouldn't look Duncan in the eye
she just said "Pack your things boy.".

A month later, Duncan was out of school. He'd dropped out, and he was working
as a bouncer in new york. This period of his life was particularly boring.
Occasionally he would rough up someone, but those events were nothing compared to what he
did to his dad. He rarely ever spoke to his mother anymore. They had established
an unspoken agreement. The most excitement Duncan ever got out of his
bouncer job came when he disarmed a robber and broke the robber's jaw on his
knee. It was around age 24 that he joined the army. They nearly refused
him due to him not finishing high school, but he bribed the recruit officer and
got in. In truth, no one actually cared if he did or didn't pass high school.
The recruitment officer was just greedy.
but he knew that they talked behind his back about him. Later on, he himself
became a bully, beating up the kids who used to ridicule him. All the while his
home life was just getting worse and worse.

Character stats and info for the flash
armory fighting game, thats right we took
time off giving eachother piggy back rides to
actually acomplish somthing.
Captain Awesome
Special ability:
hmmmmm or a gatling gun as a usable weapon
actually I re-thought his special, since he is smokeing a cigarette
I think his opponants should take second hand smoke damage lol
also Im thinking of him having two specials, 1 where he pulls out
the gatling gun, and 2 where he takes a deep drag off of his
cig then breaths out and fills the screen with red smoke

did I mention the smoke poisons their seed
and cripples their children for years to come
now that is bad ass

anyway I guess thats it

new projects and stuff

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - April 5th, 2009

im in ur heavens Killin ur godz


Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - April 1st, 2009

yar, im begining to like it, although I still need to work with
it alot more, but I like the facial effects alot, the body
needs work constructive critizism is apprecieted
being a dick is not

I've been workin on a new style

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - March 30th, 2009

most of it not saying much, like this one

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - March 27th, 2009

seriously theres nothing to do, you would think that with the infinite
amount of things to do on the internet it would be impossible to get
bored, but meh.

I also wish newgrounds would let you post your user pics
in .PNG, thats prolly the best format for pictures, you know
so they dont get the colors fucked up or so they dont get all
that weird digital looking fuzz on them

:EDIT: (again)
meh, im in a rut. im thinkin about takein a break from stuff
for a while, or maybe I just feel this way because im sick
either way every year I usually take a month off of doing
creative stuff to get a new perspective. I will however finish
my hobo animation, because I owe it to the hobos lol
also if your here on fawx's behalf you can expect your post
to be made fun of, then banned off my user page
god seriously make a couple of statements about his character
and all of the prepubesent fanbase he has comes running
at me full retard force. its enough to just fuckin explode
I would hate to see what would happen if anyone questioned
egoraptors popularity, god knows what would happen
actually on second thought (I just remebered I have art classes lol)
I think I will be falling back and developeing on an old style

im bored

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - March 25th, 2009

yar, gif is a kinda retarded format for posting things

Als pic thingy (I hate nameing things)

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - March 25th, 2009

and if you are wondering im about 27 seconds into my animation,
and by you I mean the general riff raff who come through here lol

look at what I did lulz

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - March 22nd, 2009

man you gotta love hobos lol, im about 300 frames into my new animation
and yesterday I had this Idea to make a tank for my hobo dude, cuz tanks
are cool, yeah, it fires jars full of shit, bottles of bleach and amonia
(mustard gas for war enthusists) and molotov cocktails, but besides that
let me share a few facts about hobos with you, first off, the first hobos arrived
from space seeking a new planet, having found that the planet was already
inhabited they blended in with society (they arrived around the 15th century)
some major people in history that were hobos are, Abraham lincoln,
jack london, indainna jones, the punisher, stonewall jackson, babe ruth,
jack black (the actor as well as the writer) napolain dynomite, and your mom.
any person can be a hobo, they just have to attend the hobo convention and
drink the sacred elixer, also, no hobo can die, anytime you see a dead hobo
he is just pretending, trust me, if any hobo is mortally injured, they will
appear dead, then a week later they will get up and be completely fine
unless they are cremated, then they well reform themselves and assume
a new identity, hobos have their own kind of technology far greater then our
own, and every hobo has an I.Q. of 230 or higher. hobos are masters of hand
to hand combat, but will only fight when booze is involved, or when they feel
threatened. a hobo is at his peak power when his blood alchohol is at 4.5
hobos are not to be confused with: homeless people, tramps, hookers,
bindlesticks, lamp posts, and outlaws, that concludes my short message
about hobos

hobo tank/ hobo facts that I made up (maybe)

Posted by XCaptainAwesomeX - March 8th, 2009

yeah like I looks around and it seems that only people who have
a fan base get front page now, seems kinda unfair but I soppose
some of it could be atributed to them being actually good, and everyone
else sucking, well im working on a hobo flash, cuz hobos rule
anyway back on topic, what are your thoughts on this subject

why does it seem like only well known authors get front page